strategic plan update

The View, Halfway Through

Two and half of the allotted five years of the Watkinson Strategic Plan have passed. Here’s how the interconnected implementation is looking from 30,000 feet.

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the online Watkinson News!

brainWe’re very pleased to launch this new online interation of our long-lived and well-loved magazine. While environmental and budget interests influenced the move, the real impetus for the change was our realization that the nature of the web makes it the ideal medium for presenting the connected complexity of a Watkinson education. By design, the values, goals, methods, topics, and priorities here are interlinked, and becoming ever more so. As you browse this online issue, you’ll hear Christina Bernbach talk about what it takes to create a successful interdisciplinary curriculum; Ryan Reese bringing us up to date on the redesign of the senior year; Jenni French discussing the school’s steps to engage the city around us; John Crosson outlining the donor visions that buttress the school’s work in development, and Jenny Katz-Brandoli laying out our recent rewarding ventures in telling our story in new ways. Again and again, you’ll hear the same words and phrases — “intentional,” “respect,” and “community” — not to mention “exciting.” You’ll find plenty of other features to interest you as well, from Class Notes to a slideshow of award-winning artwork from our recent participants in the Scholastic Arts Competition. Enjoy, and drop us a line with thoughts and suggestions for future issues.

The latest news from alumni around the world

On & Off Campus

Silver Key-winning photo by Yibing C.

Scholastic Art Award Winners ➾

By the Numbers

Dominican Republic Trip, November 2018
Dominican Republic

• 73 travelers: 18 adults, 2 college students, 53 high school students • 22 fifty-pound bags of donated shoes and another 14 fifty-pound bags of donated meds, hygiene, and school supplies • finished 1 hurricane-proof house at Batey Papita • conducted 5 medical clinics, treating nearly 700 patients, giving away nearly 45,000 vitamins • distributed about 400 food kits • finished the floor and stucco-ing the walls of a new kindergarten classroom at the Joe Hartman School at Kilometer 6 • painted the walls and created an original 15×20 foot-wide mural for a new playground for the youngest students at the Rodney Hendrikson School at La Lechosa • finished sheetrocking most the rooms of the 4th floor of the hospital • purchased one water pump for the Joe Hartman School so the 200 students and 8 teachers can now have running water to wash hands and flush toilets • sponsored 1 college student, Leidy Cenelis, for her third semester of college so she can become a teacher and provide for her family (her mother is deceased and her father is quite ill) • our students taught 8 English classes, with fun projects and crafts, for the students of the Joe Hartman School • gave hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of hugs to all the patients, families, and students we met and to all the people we serve alongside. Read our blog and stories: